EXTRAS FROM ‘The Beginning of Never’ 🍰

Hello Guys!

Its been one week since the release and so far, it’s been incredibly amazing. I’ve received emails from a lot of you on how much you enjoyed the book and loved the characters. Thank you all so very much, and I cannot wait to share the sequel with you. It is already available for preorder on Amazon.

So today, I wanted to share with you all a close representation of how Lenora looks to me and a close representation of her boarding school. Please do not let this hinder your own imagination in any way but rather let it enhance it. I’d love to know what you all think. Is this how you imagined her? Here are the pictures. Enjoy.

image Lenora’s Boarding School: if you guys remember, for those who have read the book, there was a Maple tree that Lennie saw through the clinic window when she was in the clinic with Nathan. Well here it is! If you look up at the highest window, the one with the white curtain. That is the window of the clinic that was beside her bed. 😊

AND HERE IS LENORA!!! (In my head)

image  LENORA: Yup! She looks exactly like lorde in my head. And if you know Lorde, you’ll be able to see the grave similarities. They’re both beautiful but different, and sort of dark, but in a good way. Absolutely beautiful. What do you guys think?

Remember there is a giveaway still running on my facebook page. It ends on the 10th of March so make sure to enter for a chance to win a paperback copy of the book, or one of five kindle editions.

There is also another giveaway running on my goodreads page so go over and enter for a chance to win one of three paperback editions.

And if you haven’t purchase it but want a copy, here are the purchase links. It’s $0.99. A big hug to you all. ❤️❤️❤️

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