What A Great Day!!!

imageAmazing things happened Today.

First of all my best friend in the entire universe graduated from Covenant University today.

This is a congratulations shout out to a friend who’s taught me that sometimes, water can be as thick as blood.

I love you Edozie. Congratulations!!!!

Secondly, the cover to my second book was revealed today. Tweets all day on twitter. I want to officially say a big big thank you to all the blogs that participated. You all Rock!!!

To all these blogs please contact us (I and Paula) for review copies of both the first and second book. Your support today has been overwhelming.

And lastly, I want to officially introduce Miss Paula Micahella Bulos. My amazing Publicist and friend. You’ve made my life so much easier girl. You’re Godsent, and you rock!!!!

image image image   In order: My bestie, the beautiful Paula, and a random picture of yours truly…

Love, OE❤️❤️

TEASER-ish 😉

imageOkay guys I’m really having a great editing day. See the comment my editor Melissa Jane Fogarty just left for me. This is a BIg DEAL…

She almost never leaves any comments. In all the time I’ve worked with her I may have gotten maybe two, but this is the the nicest so far. We’re in a love hate relationship. She’s amazing and I’m happy. Hehe…

P. S Can this count as a teaser? Muhahahahahaha

The Way to Never, sequel to the beginning of Never is available for preorder now. (Damn those names are long…sighs.)

Love OE❤️

All is Well! 🙌


I had an amazing editing day today.

You have to understand first of all that I don’t have amazing editing days, I hate editing. In fact I’m owing a post here about editing just because at this point there’s so much to say about how much I hate it and the post can quite easily turn into a novel.

But today, I don’t know what happened. I breezed through the sections I was supposed to edit for “the way to never.’ By the way it’s almost done. I’ll be releasing some teasers too.

I really enjoyed today. It was one of those working days were everything was just perfect. I was happy and I laughed as I edited. It was strange and once again I was reminded of why I love writing so much. These days are rare so when they do happen I’m going to celebrate them. I was really happy today. Like really happy.

Maybe it was because I went for a run in the morning and I feel accomplished. I haven’t exercised in months but I’ve been eating a lot of junk food so I’ve been feeling kind of out of shape and stressed. But again, today was a really good day. 🙌

P.S: I still hate editing.

Love OE ❤️❤️

Angsty… 😁😁


there are a million things that I want to do right now. There are a million things that I have to do right now, but I’m in this state where I’m just frozen. Almost as if I have leaped into the air and am just suspended there with my legs spread out and a stiff grin on my face. I’m excited and at the same time I’m nervous. I want to cut my hair right now, but I’ve decided to wait until my birthday on the eighteenth of August. I’ll explain why I want to cut my hair soon but that’ll be in a video. And yes, I want to start a You tube channel as a way to express myself more, and force myself to be less of an introvert and experience life even more.

Tonight, or rather this morning I have to finish up edits for my second book, and then I have to read journals for a literature review for my dissertation. Then I have to design a resume because I want to intern at an apparel manufacturing company, because apart from books and writing which I love, I also have a passion for apparel.

then I have to finish writing my quota of two thousand words of the third novel, and I have to do all of this before 8am. It’s 1am right now in the UK btw. It’s not much and if I settle down I can make quite a bit of progress and even finish it all before then. And yeah, I also have to edit an online survey for my dissertation and email it out to the recipients.

Then of course there is this Korean drama episode that I want to settle down to watch. So much to do but I can’t seem to settle down to begin. I’ve been like this for at least two hours and now I’m starting to freak out.

So I decided to blog, hehe. Hoping it will calm me down enough. Is it working? I doubt it. Lool.

Anyway, that’s my midnight dilemma… And yeah I have a cup of ice cream by my side, and a cupcake. Dont judge me… I plan on losing a few pounds in the coming weeks.

Im going now… I think I’m going start with what’s bothering me the most now which is the resume thing…. So il start with that, and then focus on the book, the survey and all of that fun stuff. Let’s see how it goes.

Goodnight, Loves, and feel free to ask me your questions about the coming book.

It’ll be out July 25th and I know a lot of you are excited to read it. It’s already up for preorder on Amazon, and the cover will be revealed on the 26th of this month so watch out for it.

sighs… the 26th is almost here.. The days are flyingggghh…

Love, OE. ❤️


Hi guys,

So I came across this video thanks to Alex Ikonn via his YouTube channel and it really resonated with me so I thought I’d share it here. It talks about ‘The Gap’ which is the space between where you are right now and where you want to be.

I suspect everyone experiences this gap at some point in their lives but I expect that artists are more plagued with this than anyone else because they just don’t work with their brains or their hands but also with their hearts. As an artist you might be a writer, or a painter, or a singer, and for most artists you have this idea of what you want to create or contribute to your world. But most times what you produce ends up being worse than what you imagined in your head.



You have to be able and willing to move past this point, and it might take years of practice, and of not being good enough, but your persistence is the only thing that will get you past this. Without making this post too long, here’s the video for you to watch and I hope that it encourages someone out there who really needs it.

Love, OE❤️


IimageHi guys,

It feels like forever since I’ve actually blogged here. Sighs. I apologize. I always have something to share but then I get carried away by work, and… It’s just been a crazy and extremely busy couple of months.

However, I plan to start blogging here again, and it’s going to be about anything and everything. Just sharing myself as much as I can with you all. I spoke to my best friend today and he complained that he comes on here to check all the time but hardly ever finds anything new which is strange because he talks to me personally all the time. Lol.

Anyhu, it’s me coming with news, pillow talks, rants, and just generally expressing myself to you all. I’m going to do my best to keep it up, but with writing, school, and everything else in between it seems like I have no time. But I really do, if only I could stop watching Wendy Williams on you Tube.

Sighs. I’ll do better people. Thanks for sticking with me and always stopping by to check for updates.

A big hug to you all.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Love, OE